
I am so glad you are here (7).png

Have you ever felt a strong tug on your heart, pulling you towards something that you knew was bigger than yourself and completely out of your comfort zone? If you have, then you know how terrifying that can be, but also how exhilarating! Two years ago, God tugged on my heart, it lit a fire inside of me that I never felt before. We had just lost our daughter (a story for another post), I felt Him so present and near during that time. He was leading me towards a purpose. The thing is, it still isn’t totally clear to me exactly what that purpose is. What I do know is that He is calling me out of my comfort zone and asking me to be vulnerable with y’all. One thing you will learn as you join me on this journey is that I am a perfectionist and seek to please those around me. Total transparency, that is a tough combination of characteristics to deal with most days. I have spent the past two years healing, working on myself, battling anxiety/depression and trying to figure out what on earth I am supposed to do with this calling God has laid before me.

God, what do you want me to do with this_.png

One day, I laid in bed and prayed to God to give me clarity, He did just that. I asked Him, “God, what do you want me to do with this? What am I supposed to say?” He responded, “tell your story.” Being the perfectionist that I am, that still was not enough. I needed all the details and for everything to make perfect sense before I could begin. I was stressing out about which parts of my story to share; there are so many layers. I have lived a relatively untraditional and chaotic adult life that has led to many blessings, but where am I even supposed to begin? So, here I am, taking a leap of faith, and trusting that all I need to do is start and God will take care of the rest.

Hebrews 11:1 says “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11 highlights the faithful men and women of the Bible that went before us and put all of their faith in God alone. So here I am, baring my heart in faith alone. Chapter 11 ends with “They were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us they would be made perfect.” I could sit here and try to map out a plan of exactly what this should look like and where it is going to lead, but just as that verse says, “God had planned something better.” His plan is far better than anything I could come up with on my own. In faith and by His hand everything I share here will be perfect because it is touched by Him. I am faithful that God knows the hearts of those who need to hear my story. 

If God has led you here, I hope you are inspired, I hope you are reminded that you are not alone and most importantly, I hope that you learn to love your story and who it made you to be. It is just that, YOUR story. Embrace it, own it and let it be yours. It is written by the greatest author of all time. What is a great story without the twists and turns to compliment the whimsy? Here, I am going to share my story, the good, the bad and the ugly. I hope that together, we can share our wins and learns. I want to celebrate with YOU! In the spirit of trying to overcome perfection, you aren’t going to find perfectly formed sentences or grammar, nor will you find me painting some disillusion of what your life should look like. I will share my good days with the bad, I will share what is on my heart. I am a pretty open book, so here, you will find it all and I hope you will join me on this journey of Faith, Hope and Loving Life.